YOU Girl! (2005, and ongoing)

YOU Girl! is an interactive webart piece by Carmin Karasic and Rolf van Gelder.


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Sections of the 1960 Wendy Ward Charm School workbook are reconstructed in the YOU Girl! artwork.

Your voice spectrum...
Your voice spectrum…

YOU Girl! shows how the book’s narrative works to establish impossible ‘Beauty Ideals’ and vulnerability in feminine identity.

Ongoing web exhibition @

The BITS (your accessoiries) MUST FIT for they are your FINAL touches.
The BITS (your accessoiries) MUST FIT for they are your FINAL touches.

YOU Girl! has been featured at:

  • “MassMedia group show”, Axiom gallery, Allston, MA, USA (Aug 2005)
  • “Highlights in Art and Technology Boston: An Axiom Artists video for New Media/New Work”, Art Interactive, Cambridge, MA, USA (Feb 2006)
  • “Texelectronica International Symposium, SPIN: Society, Persona, Interactivity, & Networks” group show, University of North Texas, Fort Worth Art Space, The Center for BioHealth, UNT Health Science Center, Ft. Worth, TX, USA (Oct 2006)
YOU Girl, which hairstyle works with your face shape?
YOU Girl, which hairstyle works with your face shape?
Every girl can blossom into a true Charmer. But where to start?
Every girl can blossom into a true Charmer. But where to start?

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