Realtime Quakes (2019)
Realtime Quakes is a real time visualization of earthquakes that are happening anywhere in the world. See the artwork (live) As source it uses a live stream from the USGS (United States Geological Survey). The actual quakes (from the last hour) are marked on a Google Map. As soon as a new quake has been […]

TwitCloud (2017-2019)
TwitCloud is a New (Social) Media Artwork by Rolf van Gelder TwitCloud is a live visualisation of what is going on in the world. It uses a real-time Twitter API (‘twitter4J‘). A random topic will be chosen from the top trending topics list. It uses the trending topics from the following countries: WORLD, US, […]

TweetMood (2019)
TweetMood is an interactive New (Social) Media Artwork by Rolf van Gelder. Enjoy the artwork here! The artwork tries to determine, real-time, the current mood of the world. For accomplishing that, it gets the latest tweets from Twitter (more or less at random) and have them classified by an Artificial Intelligence Model (ML5). The AI […]

Twosaic (2019)
Twosaic (‘Twitter Mosaic’) is an interactive New (Social) Media Artwork by Rolf van Gelder Twosaic is a live visual animation of what is going on in the world. It uses a real-time Twitter API (‘twitter4J‘). A random topic will be chosen from the top trending topics list. It uses the trending topics from the following […]

Realtime History (2018)
'Realtime History' is a New Media Artwork by Rolf van Gelder. […]

#loveU #hateU (2017)
#loveU #hateU is a New (Social) Media Artwork by Jana Astanov & Rolf van Gelder #loveU #hateU is a live Twitter feed, showing all tweets with the hashtags #loveU or #hateU. It’s roulating the tweets in the grid: a new tweet will be added in the upper left corner, the tweet in the lower […]

RvGLife (2014)
RvGLife is an Artificial Life (web-/net-) artwork by Rolf van Gelder. The artwork The artwork, so far, only has been exhibited on the Internet (as ‘web-art’ or ‘net-art‘). About RvGLife It’s a web-art piece about life, death, sexuality, competition, desire, reproduction, aging, child birth and more. Every creature is just fading away and life goes […]

T#Walker (2013)
Description A New Media artwork by Rolf van Gelder. T#Walker is a real-time ‘Tweet-Walker’ (or ‘Tweet-Crawler’): it pulls real-time Tweets from Twitter and finds its own way in the vast Twitter world. In fact it’s an arbitrary mirror of the world; showing what people are talking about, right now, at this very moment, linking tweets […]

Exquisite Zone (2011)
A New Media artwork by Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder Description The title, Exquisite Zone, references the 1920-30s surrealist drawing game called ‘Exquisite Corpse’, in which each collaborator adds to a collective composition. Exquisite Zone invites nightly participants to use their smart phones to make digital marks in public space. The idea is simple, […]

SjansMachine (2010-2014)
A movie about the SjansMachine by famous Dutch actors Teun Kuilboer & Robert De Hoog SjansMachine @ Plaza Futura (2010) – movie by Olga Mink Description A collaboration between Eindhoven based artists Olga Mink, Carmin Karasic and Rolf van Gelder. SjansMachine (‘Chance Machine‘) is an interactive installation that works with real-time images and face detection […]