The New Media artwork human^n by Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder was shown at the re-ACT exhibition in Museum Kunstlicht in de Kunst in Eindhoven, NL. The re-ACT exhibition was also part of the Eindhoven GLOW 2008 light art Festival.
Children having fun with human^n (movie by Carmin Karasic)
September 27, 2008 – January 25, 2009

Museum ‘Kunstlicht In De Kunst‘, Eindhoven, NL

- Human^n website
- human^n LIVE DEMO
- Flickr images
- Invitation for the re-ACT exhibition
- re-ACT exhibition in Museum Kunstlicht in de Kunst (UIT Cultuurkrant, 2009)
- re-ACT INTERACTIVE LIGHT ART (UIT Cultuurkrant, 2008)
- Press release Museum Kunstlicht in de Kunst (August 20, 2008)
- Press release Museum Kunstlicht in de Kunst (April 14, 2008)
- Press release Eindhoven uit de Kunst
- Cursor Eindhoven University of Technology (Dutch)
- Cursor Eindhoven University of Technology (English summary)