T#Walker (2013)

A Screenshot from T#Walker (2013)
A Screenshot from T#Walker (2013)


A New Media artwork by Rolf van Gelder.

T#Walker is a real-time ‘Tweet-Walker’ (or ‘Tweet-Crawler’): it pulls real-time Tweets from Twitter and finds its own way in the vast Twitter world.
In fact it’s an arbitrary mirror of the world; showing what people are talking about, right now, at this very moment, linking tweets by keywords.

The way it works

It retrieves the most recent tweets for a specific ‘keyword’ and displays them word by word, with information about that tweet (at the bottom of the screen) like the date and time it was tweeted, the Twitter name of the tweeter, the number of followers of the tweeter, the geo-location of the tweeter (if available).
The avatar of the tweeter will be displayed in the middle of the screen.
If the tweet contains a link T#Walker will show a QR-tag with the link information in the upper left corner of the screen so the visitors can scan it with their smart phone, if they like.
After the set of tweets has been displayed the next ‘keyword’ will be picked from all the words in the previous set of tweets.

T#Walker v1.0 @ Dutch Technology Week 2013
T#Walker v1.0 @ Dutch Technology Week 2013

User interaction

The flow of T#Walker can be influenced by the visitors of the exhibition by sending tweets to Twitter.
The tweets should contain the hashtag #twalker2013, followed by a space and exactly one keyword.
For instance: #twalker2013 bibliotheek
The installation will pick up the visitors keywords and use them as a starting point for further crawling.

Android App

Download and install your free, real-time, Android T#Walker App from here:


Should work on Android phones and tablets.

(At the moment there is no iPhone app available, sorry!)

N.B. T#Walker was not designed for mobile devices, so the App is just to give you an impression of what it looks like and how it works.

T#Walker Exhibitions