Tag: war
d{s}eduction dialogue (2000-2001)
d{s}eduction dialogue @ New England School of Art and Design (2001)
The d{s}eduction dialogue installation was shown at the New England School of Art and Design, Boston, MA, USA as a part of the Boston Cyberarts Festival 2001. On the far wall: printouts of the chats the artists had while creating this piece of art. On the monitor in front of the printouts: scrolling text of […]
d{s}eduction dialogue @ Boston Cyberarts Festival Preview Party (2000)
The d{s}eduction dialogue installation was shown at the Boston Cyberarts Festival Preview Party, Boston, MA, USA. Date November 6, 2000 Location Massachusetts College of Art, Tower Gallery   […]
d{s}eduction dialogue (2000-2001)
d{s}eduction dialogue @ Art System Gallery (2000)
The d{s}eduction dialogue installation was shown at the Art System Gallery, Toronto, CA. Date September 27 – October 8, 2000 Location Art System Gallery, Toronto, CA   […]
d{s}eduction dialogue @ Artists Foundation @ The Distillery (2000)
The d{s}eduction dialogue installation was shown at the Artists Foundation @ The Distillery, Boston, MA, USA. Date June 3 – July 8, 2000 Location Artists Foundation @ The Distillery, Boston, MA, USA   […]
d{s}eduction dialogue (2000-2001)
d{s}eduction dialogue (2000-2001)
A New Media installation by Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder. This cyberart collaboration explores the relationships and correlations between replication, sex, power, and violence. This work is based on the collaborators’ two different perspectives: the personal observations by a black American woman and a white European man. Reality is based on perception, as we […]