SjansMachine v4.0 @ Frequentie Strijp-S, Eindhoven, NL (2014)
Date Sunday September 14, 2014, 12pm – 17pm Location NATLAB, Kastanjelaan 500, Eindhoven, NL Entrance Free! Impressions Version 4.0 of the SjansMachine has one major difference compared to version 3.0: The photo booth has been replaced by smartphone- / tablet-’selfies‘. At Frequentie Strijp-S the SjansMachine used ‘random‘-matching algorithms to match visitors who put their ‘selfie‘ on […]

SjansMachine v4.0 @ Baltan Open Labs #5, Eindhoven, NL (2014)
Date Friday September 12, 2014, 7:00 – 10:00pm Location NATLAB, Kastanjelaan 500, Eindhoven, NL Entrance Free! Impressions Version 4.0 of the SjansMachine has one major difference compared to version 3.0: The photo booth has been replaced by smartphone- / tablet-‘selfies‘. The visitors can use their own smartphone or tablet to make a ‘selfie’ of themself. […]

T#Walker v1.0 @ Dutch Technology Week, Eindhoven, NL (2013)
Version 1.0 of the T#Walker New Media installation, by Rolf van Gelder, was shown at the Dutch Technology Week 2013. Date May 31 – June 8, 2013 Location Eindhoven Public Library (the ‘White Lady’) in Eindhoven, NL Android App Download and install your free, real-time, Android T#Walker App from here: http://cage.nl/apk/twalker13.apk Should work on Android […]

T#Walker (2013)
Description A New Media artwork by Rolf van Gelder. T#Walker is a real-time ‘Tweet-Walker’ (or ‘Tweet-Crawler’): it pulls real-time Tweets from Twitter and finds its own way in the vast Twitter world. In fact it’s an arbitrary mirror of the world; showing what people are talking about, right now, at this very moment, linking tweets […]

SjansMachine (2010-2014)
A movie about the SjansMachine by famous Dutch actors Teun Kuilboer & Robert De Hoog SjansMachine @ Plaza Futura (2010) – movie by Olga Mink Description A collaboration between Eindhoven based artists Olga Mink, Carmin Karasic and Rolf van Gelder. SjansMachine (‘Chance Machine‘) is an interactive installation that works with real-time images and face detection […]

human^n @ Museum Of Science, Boston, MA, USA (2009)
The human^n installation was shown for half a year (!) in the Museum Of Science in Boston, Massachusetts, USA as a part of the Boston Cyberarts Festival 2009. Date April 17 – September 8, 2009 Location Museum Of Science, Boston, Massachusetts, USA The $5000 SICK Laser Measurement System (LMS200) sensor was just […]

human^n @ Museum Kunstlicht in de Kunst, Eindhoven, NL (2008-2009)
The New Media artwork human^n by Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder was shown at the re-ACT exhibition in Museum Kunstlicht in de Kunst in Eindhoven, NL. The re-ACT exhibition was also part of the Eindhoven GLOW 2008 light art Festival. Children having fun with human^n (movie by Carmin Karasic) Date September 27, 2008 – […]

Stateless Half Life (2004, and ongoing)
Stateless Half Life, a web-art artwork by Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder. SEE ‘STATELESS HALF LIFE’ IN ACTION! Date 2004 (and ongoing) Location The Internet – see Stateless Half Life in action HERE! Technology This artwork was created using Flash, PHP and a MySQL database. Read more about the project… […]

Stateless Half Life (2004)
An interactive webart piece by Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder. See the artwork live! (Macromedia Flash needed in your browser) This artwork expresses the core concept: Our decisions have a global impact. The work attempts to increase awareness which would hopefully influence the choices we make. In web art project Stateless Half Life refugee […]

Virtual Quilt @ DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park (2002)
The Virtual Quilt installation was shown at the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, Lincoln, MA, USA. “Throughout its history quilt-making has been viewed as a community-building activity as well as a form of communal creativity. The quilting bee, a gathering of people to construct a quilt, remains a way for people to interact in a […]